Victor M123 Quick-Kill Easy Set Pasca na myši – 3 opakovane použiteľné pasce na myši 3 pasce




POPIS PRODUKTU Thule Tram premení váš letný nosič bicyklov na zimný nosič lyží a snowboardov pre vaše vozidlo. RECENZIA Nosič lyží Thule Tram Hitch je nosič pre snehové športové vozidlá, ktorý premení váš vybraný existujúci nosič bicyklov Thule so závesným typom alebo nosič pneumatík Thule Spare Me 2 na zimný nosič lyží a snowboardov pre vaše vozidlo. Nosič poskytuje extrémnu flexibilitu použitia v tom, že ho možno použiť s 1-1/4 a 2 modelmi nosičov bicyklov. Medzi funkcie patrí: kapacita až pre šesť párov lyží alebo štyri snowboardy, efektívne vertikálne využitie úložného priestoru, konštrukcia proti poškriabaniu a zahrnutá funkcia zámku Thule One-Key. Premeňte nosiče bicyklov Thule na nosiče na zimné športy.Zobraziť väčšie PRIPRAVTE SVOJ NOSIČ BICYKLOV NA SNEHOVÝ ŠPORT V priebehu niekoľkých minút Nosič lyží Thule 9033 Tram Hitch je nosič lyží a snowboardov, ktorý je navrhnutý tak, aby sa dal kombinovať so širokou škálou obľúbených zariadení Thule s montážou vzadu nosiče bicyklov, ktoré poskytujú rýchle a efektívne riešenie ťahania bez toho, aby ste museli demontovať už pripojený nosič bicyklov. Dá sa použiť s nosičmi bicyklov Thule 1-1/4 a 2 vrátane modelov 9031, 9030, 9029, 9027, 9026, 9025, 956 alebo 958. Je tiež kompatibilný s nosičom bicyklov Thule Spare Me 2 . Tram Hitch 9033 má variabilnú nosnosť v závislosti od modelu nosiča bicyklov, ku ktorému je pripevnený: šesť párov lyží alebo štyri snowboardy pri použití s ​​2-závesným nosičom bicyklov; a štyri páry lyží alebo dva snowboardy pri použití s ​​1-1/4 nosičom. Jeho celková nosnosť je 165 libier. Odolná konštrukcia, uzamykacie funkcie a jednoduchá inštalácia. Zobraziť väčšie Vo všetkých aplikáciách nosič Thule Tram Hitch Carrier využíva jednoduchý montážny postup pozostávajúci z horných a dolných zarovnaných upevňovacích bodov, kde sa jeho rám dotýka nosiča bicyklov, ktorý je s ním spárovaný. Po zložení sú dve horné rúrkové priečne tyče Tram Hitch umiestnené v držiakoch bicyklov zabudovaných do horizontálnych ramien bicyklov kompatibilného nosiča bicyklov. Nosič pneumatík Spare Me 2 má tiež držiaky bicyklov a ramená bicyklov, ktoré poskytujú túto hornú podporu. Pogumované popruhy nosiča bicyklov sú potom pripevnené k držiakom bicyklov, čím sa zabezpečí, že sa priečky nosiča neposúvajú. Spodné pripojenie Tram Hitch k nosiču bicyklov je zabezpečené jednoduchým, ale bezpečným systémom skrutiek a gombíkov. Pri použití s ​​kompatibilnými nosičmi bicyklov Thule je nosič Hitch Tram pripevnený k strednej vertikálnej základni tohto nosiča bicyklov pomocou konzoly, ktorá nepoškriabe. Pri použití s ​​nosičom pneumatík Spare Me 2 je nosič Hitch Tram zaistený skrutkami a gombíkom, akonáhle sa vlastné spojenie Spare Me 2 s vozidlom zmení z uzamykacieho gombíka na skrutku. Lyže a snowboardy sú bezpečne uzamknuté k nosiču Thule Tram Hitch Carrier pomocou priložených cylindrických zámkov Thule One-Key, zatiaľ čo nosič Tram Hitch Carrier možno uzamknúť k nosiču bicyklov pomocou priloženého systému káblového zámku na ramenách bicyklov. V prípade potreby je možné dokúpiť ďalšie zámky. ŠPECIFIKÁCIE * Nosnosť * 2 závesy - Šesť párov lyží alebo štyri snowboardy * 1-1/4 záves - Štyri páry lyží alebo dva snowboardy * Nosnosť - 165 lbs. * Uzamyká snowboardy k nosiču - Áno * Uzamyká nosič na nosič bicyklov/nosič náhradných pneumatík Thule - Áno (s káblovým zámkom zabudovaným do nosiča alebo sa predáva samostatne) * Použitie: Modely nosičov bicyklov Thule 9031, 9030, 9029, 9027, 9026, 9025, 956 alebo 958; nosič pneumatík Thule 963PRO na 2 pneumatiky THULE JEDNODUCHÁ INŠTALÁCIA NA BICYKEL THULE A NÁHRADNÉ NÁHRADNÉ NOSIČE 2 PNEUMATÍK KROK 1 (OBE MOŽNOSTI)Pripojenie k ramenám bicykla.Zobraziť väčšie KROK 2 (NOSIČ BICYKLA)Skrutky okolo hriadeľa nosiča. držiak a gombíky.Zobraziť väčšíSTEP 2 (SPARE ME)Skrutka nahrádza podperu gombíka.Zobraziť väčšieSTEP 3 (SPARE ME)Spojte pomocou skrutky a gombíka.Zobraziť väčšie ČO JE V KRABICE * Nosič lyží Thule 9033 Tram Hitch (rozobraný) * Všetok potrebný hardvér na montáž * Dve cylindrické vložky zámku Thule One-Key s dvoma kľúčmi * Jeden imbusový kľúč * Používateľská príručka a informácie o záruke OBMEDZENÁ DOŽIVOTNÁ ZÁRUKA Spoločnosť Thule bude ručiť za všetky systémy nosičov automobilov značky Thule a ich príslušenstvo vyrobené spoločnosťou Thule počas doby, keď produkt vlastní pôvodný maloobchodný kupujúci . Táto záruka zaniká, ak kupujúci prevedie produkt na inú osobu. Žiadna záruka sa neposkytuje na chyby spôsobené bežným opotrebovaním, kozmetickou hrdzou, škrabancami, nehodami, nezákonnou prevádzkou vozidla alebo úpravou alebo akýmikoľvek typmi opráv systému nosiča nákladu, ktoré nie sú schválené spoločnosťou Thule. O THULE Spoločnosť Thule bola založená v roku 1942 rodinou Thulinovcov, keď Eric Thulin, skutočný milovník prírody, dal meno Thule na pascu na šťuky, ktorú navrhol a začal ju predávať v Škandinávii. Netrvalo dlho a do portfólia spoločnosti pridal ďalšie praktické predmety. V 60. rokoch sa spoločnosť začala sústreďovať na produkty súvisiace s automobilmi, vrátane prvého strešného nosiča. Rodina Thulinovcov predala Thule verejne kótovanej spoločnosti Eldon v roku 1979 a odvtedy pokračuje v raste organicky aj prostredníctvom akvizícií. Skupina Thule je svetovým lídrom v poskytovaní dopravných riešení pre aktívny život.

Nie sú k dispozícii žiadne jednotky
Žiadne chemikálie ani jedy, možno použiť v blízkosti detí a domácich zvierat. Používajte kdekoľvek v interiéri alebo exteriéri. Nastavte jediným kliknutím. Technológia presného úderu: perfektné umiestnenie pre rýchle a humánne zabitie. Perfektné umiestnenie pre rýchle a humánne zabitie.
Brand Victor
Color Gray
Country of Origin China
Customer Reviews 4.2 4.2 out of 5 stars 2,461 ratings 4.2 out of 5 stars
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No
Is Electric No
Item Dimensions LxWxH 2 x 5.44 x 5.44 inches
Item model number M140S3
Item Weight 0.16 Pounds
Item Weight 2.59 ounces
Manufacturer Woodstream Corporation
Material Plastic
Number of Pieces 3
Product Dimensions 2 x 5.44 x 5.44 inches
Style Modern
Target Species Mouse


13 Review
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Scritto da: Aaron S.
Worth the price of admission.
In the fight against those that live in the walls this weapon in the right hands can ProForm miracles. Been dealing with mice for years. This product didn't just work well it made clean-up very easy. I reused them time and time again and haven't run into any faults. Tip: Use Almond Butter as bait, works everythime. Easy of use: It is a relatively simple mechanism, easy not only to use but to rediploy; You will rarely need to add new bait. Just don't have your hand in the way of the trap when dealing with it. Easy to remove: Just pick it up, nothing hard here. Easy to clean: The device doesn't actually break the skin more so it just breaks their necks killing them in as a humane way as possible. Because of this all you need to do is take the corpse to the trash reset the trap and set it back down.
Scritto da: A Casual Observer
THE Best Mouse Trap
I've used 2 different kinds of the old wooden Victor traps over the last 35 years to kill mice in two of our houses. The vintage traps worked pretty well, and I've killed several hundred mice, but too often the mouse gets the peanut butter and doesn't trip the spring. Or the kill isn't instant and they run around dragging the trap (I know, I should nail it to a board or put it in a confined space, which I've done). Or the worst, the bar only gets their tail and they ultimately escape. Also, there are the drawbacks of almost always having to rebait the trap, i.e. the mouse gets most/all of the peanut butter before the bar comes down and gets them. AND the drawback of laying the trap gingerly down so as not to set it off yourself. This new Victor Quick Kill trap is foolproof and mouse proof. Could NOT be easier to bait and set. Could not be more effective in quickly killing mice. Small mouse, bigger mouse - it doesn't matter. They stick their snout in the food hole, the top (trigger) goes up, the killing bar comes down. Lift bar to get dead mouse out. Lift bar all-the-way to reset. Peanut butter still intact (no rebating). Put trap back and get ready to kill more mice. There used to be a saying - something about building a better mouse trap, i.e. that it was an endless search, an unending quest. That quest is over. VIctor has build THE best trap. Even though I just bought this model, it hasn't failed yet, and I have high confidence that it won't.
Scritto da: Venus22
updated trap
In the past I've used wooden wire traps and hated them...this is certainly an updated version but didn't catch any least I think they're gone....
Scritto da: bc
Worked great.
Had a mouse in the house, got these traps when glue pads and bait stations did not work. Two days in and we had a dead mouse. I used PeanutButter as bait. One concern, spring can slide to the side of the back brace. Make sure when you set the trap spring is in the center of the brace. Otherwise, it does not spring had enough to hurt the mouse.
Scritto da: Kellena
Best. By far.
Living in an area where there is essentially nothing you can do to deter mice, not even multiple cats, I have had to learn quickly what works and what doesn't. Our first invasion, we used live traps. These worked well at first, but eventually the mice got wise and they no longer helped. Traditional traps actually scare me - I got my finger once when I was a young child and that fear never went away. We set those up, but half the time the bait would go missing without setting the trap off, and once the trap needed to be reset it would have to wait for someone else not me to reset it. Add to that having to avoid putting them in areas where pets might set them off, and they are useless. We tried this type, and quickly - within days - got the infestation situation under control. Baited with either bread or peanut butter, these work 99.9% of the time they are investigated, but the cover of the bait well keeps larger pets from getting to the bait and setting it off. The setting of the trap is easy and intuitive, with far less risk of having fingers get caught, so I myself am able to reset any trap quickly, and without fear. This allows us to put these traps anywhere, without regard to pets' reach. (We have a terrier though that has learned what the sound of the trap snapping means and will dart to the trap and try to take off with the mouse. It is rather funny watching, and seeing him with a mouse hanging out of his mouth and a trap hanging off the mouse is both hilarious and disturbing. But it speaks volumes about how securely this trap holds the mouse... no escape!) When a new wave of mice showed up recently, we couldn't find the traps like this from the previous wave (probably the terriers fault?) So we ordered more. 13 mice in 2 days, and we have seen no mice or new evidence of them since. This time we are keeping the traps out and baited BEFORE another comes in and breeds. Will never use another type of trap again if I can continue finding these. Local stores stopped carrying them, so thanks amazon!
Scritto da: georgy p.
They do not quick kill
Not a tight enough spring. Did not quick kill as labeled
Scritto da: NewMoo
They catch mice, period!
They are easy to load with bait, peanut butter, and easy to set without getting your finger snapped. I live in the country so mice in the cabinets are a regular occurrence. I have many set at all times.
Scritto da: Steve Szymczak
Best traps out there
The mice will clean the classic wooden traps and the plastic ones with the larger paddle 7 out of 10 times. They have never once been able to eat from this trap with out being killed.
Scritto da: Quaydvt
Easy to set, but not sure how effective it is.
In the fall we always have issues with mice moving into the crawlspace, looking for a place to winter. I have a couple of the standard wooden Victor traps (awesome, but hard to set sometimes - they can be twitchy!) Thought I would give these a try. They are very easy to bait and set, but I have found them tripped twice with no meese! I don't know if they just popped on their own, or somehow the mice managed to trip them without getting caught. But either way, not much good. I also find that the spring mechanism seems a bit 'puny' compared to the wooden, classic version. BTW - have caught 8 mice in the wood traps, none in these so I can't really evaluate how much of a 'quick-kill' it is. I have ditched them in favour of the more finicky but absolutely reliable wood Victor traps.
Scritto da: Moheb
Good mouse traps
This is an awesome mouse trap. I set it up by the front door because I kept seeing mice on my video doorbell. The mechanism does a good job of killing the mouse when they go for the bait. Except one time it didn’t quite catch the mouse properly. It was still alive when I went to remove the trap. But other than that it consistently kills mice
Scritto da: JF Petitclerc
Best traps ever
Easy to use, flawless, instant kill : they've helped us get rid of 100s of mice over the years ... so one thing is for sure, they work. *Tip: use actual nuts and not peanut butter or cheese, as the mice will learn to scoop the soft content out of the hole without setting off the trap; they can't do that with actual hard nuts.
Scritto da: Elle
Not sure whether mine are broken or just ineffective
In my pack of 3, one has successfully captured and killed a mouse. I've checked on the other two multiple times and found them sprung, with nothing trapped - I'm not sure if the spring is faulty and the bar is falling down by itself, or if mice are able to set it off without getting caught. I bought a different style of trap at the same time and have had better results with those. I won't buy this model again.
Scritto da: Frank
Best mouse trap I tried!
I tried a lot of traps an other devices to get rid of the mouses in my cottage. After 2 days, I caught 4 of them using these traps with peanut butter and it was the end of it.

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